himalayan brown bear造句
- It has diverse fauna and wildlife including the Himalayan brown bear and the snow leopard.
- Wildlife resident here includes the snow leopard, the Himalayan brown bear and the musk deer.
- The lead for the Himalayan brown bear would be enough if used consistently in every article.
- Examples of rare species are the Himalayan brown bear, desert fox, wild Asiatic buffalo and hornbill.
- The valley has varied biodiversity, It has some of the rarest of animals like Himalayan tahr, western tragopan, monal and Himalayan brown bear.
- The Ibex and the Markhor Mountain Goat can be found and the area is famous for Himalayan brown bears and snow leopards, although sightings are rare.
- In the 2016 adaptation, Baloo is stated to be a sloth bear by Bagheera, though his appearance is similar to that of a Himalayan brown bear.
- Animal species in North India include elephant, tiger, leopard, snow leopard, black bear, Himalayan brown bear, sloth bear, and the endangered caracal.
- This sanctuary has been set up primarily with the object of conserving the musk deer " ( Moschus leucogaster ) " and its goral and Himalayan brown bear.
- "' Mammals "', which are regularly sighted in this sanctuary are barking deer, yellow-throated marten, Himalayan brown bear and red panda.
- It's difficult to see himalayan brown bear in a sentence. 用himalayan brown bear造句挺难的
- A subspecies of the Himalayan brown bear ( " Ursus arctos isabellinus " ) was named subspecifically for the colour and is also sometimes known as the isabelline bear.
- Because brown bears occur in the Himalayas, Guti閞rez and Pine stated that there is no reason to believe that the samples in question came from anything other than ordinary Himalayan brown bears
- Broadly the six Mammalian orders which are present here are Primates, Carnivora, Artiodactyla, Rodentia, Lagomorpha and Chiroptera, including endangered and rare species such as Himalayan brown bear and Musk Deer.
- A wide variety of animals live in the mountainous north, including the Marco Polo sheep, the urial ( a subspecies of wild sheep ), markhor and ibex goats, the Asian black bear and the Himalayan brown bear.
- However, the Himalayan black bears are reportedly more aggressive towards humans than the region's Himalayan brown bear, and the latter is one of the smaller races of brown bear, though still somewhat larger than the black bear.
- They concluded that the mutation that had led to the match with a polar bear was a damage artefact, and suggested that the two hair samples were in fact from Himalayan brown bears ( " U . arctos isabellinus " ).
- Other inhabitants include thamin, wild pig, gaur, sambar, banteng, muntjac, clouded leopard, civets, jungle cats, Himalayan brown bear, sun bear, Oriental giant squirrel, Indian giant squirrel, hog badger, monitor lizards, macaques, barking deer and many types of birds.
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